The Harare International Carnival (HIC) is a unique brand that involves people across the social, cultural and political divide. It creates an avenue to promote unity among Zimbabweans through celebrating our diversity, building bridges amongst our people and further strengthening our mutual relationships with friendly countries. “Celebrating our Diversity” will therefore be the permanent branding pay-off line of the Carnival.
The Harare International Carnival is set to achieve high “Gross National Happiness” for the Zimbabwean people by 2020. The pursuit of happiness is collective. Different people can be happy in spite of their circumstances and the options for diversity must be wide hence the Harare International Carnival serves as a suitable platform.
The carnival itself is fast becoming the glue binding Zimbabweans together as a family in celebration of our culture and achievements as a nation.
This year the dates are as follows:
17 – 21 July 2018.