Kangai Nabbed by ZACC. The Accuser Has Been Arrested

The former CEO of NetOne, Reward Kangai has been arrested. Yes the man who was pointing the finger at Supa Mandiwanzira, the Minister of ICT and Cybersecurity for alleged corruption and abuse of office has himself been arrested.
Kangai was fired from his job at the helm of NetOne for ignoring procurement standards. These allegations were confirmed by a Pricewaterhouse Coopers audit.
From soon after his exit from NetOne Kangai went on a campaign to ‘expose’ his former boss Supa and some of the team that he left at NetOne for all kinds of practices for example his allegations that Supa did not follow tender procedures when he contracted or wanted to contract a Chinese company to audit a deal between NetOne and Huawei.
Kanagai wrote a letter to the former president Robert Mugabe and nothing came of it. A few weeks ago he wrote to the current president Emmerson Mnangagwa. In that letter he alleged that Supa Mandiwanzira was building a cartel within the telecoms sector. The allegations he made in that letter were very serious and make a very interesting story. If the dots he connected thereare coincidence then yea, it’s one heck of a story.
The corruption allegations Kangai leveled against Supa were thrown out by ZACC. Ironically, in the same statement they declared Mandiwanzira clean, ZACC announced that they would be going after Kangai. They kept their word and now Kangai is at Avondale Police.